The Eenvoud Frontend Development Meetup
The first Eenvoud Frontend development meetup was a success! From apps that recognise different voices to the latest tips and tricks. Read all about it in this recap!
Non Dutch web hacks
Rafael and Pashant, both developers at Non-Dutch gave an informative presentation about all the cool stuff you can do on the web. They discussed and showed us the must know CSS performance tweaks, frameworks and tools.

AI and speaker recognition app
After that, the Eenvoud Dev-Team presented a very cool project. We’ve investigated whether it was possible to develop a simpel SPA (with Vue.js), that we could train to recognise different people when they speak. During the session we explained the process and even did a live demo with the audience. The results were pretty awesome; the app recognised 3 out of 5 voices!

Of course we ended the evening with some cold beers and nice networking. We would like to thank everyone for attending and participating. And a very special thank you to Non-Dutch for co-organising the meetup!

Eenvoud Meetups
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P.S. Do you have a nice idea for our next event? Lets talk!